Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pity Party, anyone??

This month has been stressful, to say the least. I've been overwhelmed balancing working 45+ hours a week, studying for the horrid Series exam, finishing up my B.A., stressing about finances and keeping up with my active 7 month old, all on an average of 4 hours of sleep each night. Violin, anyone?? Admittedly, I have never been one who handles stress well, nor has optimism ever been my forte.

Yesterday, I reached my breaking point, sitting in my car sobbing and praying to God for some kind of miracle (preferably in the form of a large, unexpected sum of money being depositied into my bank account, passing the Series, automatic A's in all of my classes, you know, nothing too unrealistic!). Instead, I was reminded that I get to witness a miracle everyday....

Sometimes it is easier to focus on the things in our lives that are not going how we would like or how we expected. It's in these moments, that we overlook the everyday miracles that in reality mean so much more than many others we bargain with God for. I have an incredibly healthy, handsome, active little guy who not only lights up whenever I enter the room, but he actually wants to be around me - all the time. Sometimes, that can be more than a bit overwhelming, but I have to remind myself that I won't always be so lucky. :)

I can't promise that I won't throw myself the occasional pity party, complete with streamers and cake, just that when I do, I'll try to realize I've already unwrapped the best gift.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Leavin on a jet plane...

Since I had to go to NYC for work, I knew I could not possibly be away from our little man for a whole week, so we decided (or I decided and Eric indulged in my wishes) to make a little vacation out of it.

Cael did AMAZING on the flights and got more attention than I thought could ever be possible from literally everyone we passed, including Lance Armstrong and Caroline Rhea. :) It was nice staying right across the street from work (Le Parker Meridien)...allowed us to spend lunches together and get a head start on the evenings after work. We hit alot of the main tourist spots, Times Square, World Trade Center site, Rockefeller Center, Wall Street, Central Park, FAO Schwarz, Serendipity.

A few things I learned....

1. I have a newfound respect for anyone raising a child in the city. Lugging a car seat around makes a taxi ride impossible, but hauling a squirmy baby, your backpack & purse, and a stroller up and down endless flights of subway stairs in the humidity=not fun and a burning in your legs!

2. It's amazing how much they can charge in the city. 2 burgers, 2 fries and 2 drinks = $35 and nothing special. A slightly above average hotel = $530/night and isn't any better than most of the hotels I've stayed at in Vegas.

3. For a germphob like me, having people trying to touch your baby or having your baby try to touch things on the subway, almost drives you to need Xanax.

4. Note to self: Never again walk thru the Bronx, even if you are just trying to get to the zoo. We stood out like a sore thumb and the cop at the zoo entrance even said that he wouldn't recommend that walk unless "you have one of these", as he points to his gun. Nice to know after the fact.

5. When I was in high school and college, trips to New York always left me wanting more. With seemingly endless possibilities and excitement, I pictured myself living there for a few years. Being a mom has now totally changed my perspective. We found ourselves constantly aware of the endless 2nd hand smoke, germs, shady characters, cutthroat drivers, etc. Call me ignorant, but I truly missed the little Irvine bubble we live in - where everything seems clean and safe. There is just no place like home.

6. Finally, although it required some sacrifice (thanks E for taking such good care of our little man, even if that meant being stuck in the hotel with a cranky, teething little booger during the day), I wouldn't trade the memories that we made this last week for anything. I can't wait for all the vacations to come!

Here are just a few of my fav pics of the week.....For the rest go to Facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/album.php?aid=245768&id=586084987&ref=mf

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Daddy's little gamer....

Cael has a newfound fascination with anything dealing with electronics/technology.

First it was the TV remote, which he is constantly grabbing and using to change channels. We tried giving him his "own remote" and this just does not do...he knows it doesn't light up and its not the one that makes that big picture on the wall change :)

Then it was the cell phone, trying to hold onto it and causing Mommy to constantly "like" Facebook statuses she had no intention of liking or texting jibberish.

And now this....

My two computer geeks! Of course Daddy could not be more proud and is hoping in a few years he will finally have someone to play World of Warcraft with.

To blog or not to blog?

I've been debating on whether or not to start a "family" blog for a few months now. In an attempt to document our new lives as parents and as an extra excuse to brag about, in my opinon, THE most adorable little child ever known to man, I am finally giving into the blogging world. I'm hoping that this lasts longer than most diaries or journals I have kept....usually lasting all of about 10 pages, with entries spread months and sometimes years apart!